Monday, June 25, 2007
New Celebrity News Source
It might be that Katie Holmes' marriage to Tom Cruise fascinates, or the connections with Scientology, or maybe it's the baby, Suri?
But whatever your needs for celebrity news about Katie Holmes you'll want to ckick through and see what the site has to offer.
Friday, June 15, 2007
That Antarctic Band
There's a band from hte British Antarctic Survey base in Antarctica that will be taking part (thus the 7 continents covered) called Nunatak.
I'm sure that we'll see lots of amateur performances across the world but these guys will be the only ones who are actually supposed to be amateurs I think. So look out for that section of the show...Nunatak, the only folk indie band in Antarctica.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Thought So
A court in Germany has convicted three men of stealing over four km (2.5 miles) of rail track, weighing nearly 500 tonnes, to sell as scrap metal.
The court in the city of Marburg said Tuesday the men, aged 26 to 29, pretended to be working for the national rail operator Deutsche Bahn when they began carving up a disused line between nearby Niederwalgern and Lohra with blowtorches.
"They even went around handing out leaflets to locals asking for understanding about the noise," a court spokesman said.
"The stolen tracks were worth about 170,000 euros.
The three suspects, all Germans born in the former Soviet Union, had removed 476 tonnes of steel track by the time they were caught when a local man contacted Deutsche Bahn to check their story.
Yup, the number of times we've seen something similar in Russia. Anything and everything being sold (often to us) as scrap metal.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Ringtones Links
The site is simple. The users can download free mp3 ringtones from any carrier. Besides, there are sections for all carriers. You can get free Sprint Ringtones, or free Cingular Ringtones.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Predicting Earthquakes
Scientists believe they have some encouraging news about how and when to predict earthquakes:
Paris - Geophysicists poring over an earthquake hotspot beneath southern Japan believe massive temblors may be preceded by slow, barely perceptible quakes that can last for days or weeks.
In a new paper published in the British journal Nature, the scientists say the warning signs are buried in tiny seismic signals caused by a slip deep within a fault.
Their focus is on phenomena that lie far below the threshold of human sensation called low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) and non-volcanic tremor.
Seismologists have until now mainly viewed non-volcanic tremor as a weak shaking of the Earth, and LFEs as a swarm of small temblors, with a magnitude of just one or two, that can last for weeks or even months at a time.
These low rumblings are typically found in subduction zones - the regions on the Pacific's "Ring of Fire" that have unleashed the mightiest quakes on record, say the US-Japanese team, led by David Shelly of Stanford University, California.
As someone who has lived in two earthquake prone areas, I say this can only be good news (although, oddly, the only one I've ever felt was in hte UK).
More Google Tools for Webmasters
Google has made some changes to it's reporting tools making life a lot easier for webmasters:
Google has enhanced the reporting capabilities in its Webmaster Tools to show full phrases being used in anchor text, instead of just keywords within the anchor text of links to a site, the company said on its Webmaster Central Blog last night.
Webmaster Tools previously had reports showing the top terms were included in the anchor text other sites are using to link to them. So the list would include the terms "Search," "Engine," and "Watch" when it assesed this link: Search Engine Watch.
With the new reports, the entire phrase will be shown on the list, so the previous link would show up in reports as "Search Engine Watch," which is a much more useful bit of information.
The report is available to verified webmasters who have logged into Google's Webmaster Tools, under the "Statistics" tab, in the "Page Analysis" section. The list of top 100 anchor text phrases can be viewed as a table or downloaded as a csv file.
It's useful to see what anchor text is being used to link to your site, as it provides some insight into what people think of your site, or why they are linking. The anchor text also affects Google's ranking algorithm, so since lots of other sites link to our blog with the term "SEW blog" as anchor text, that affects results for a search on [SEW blog], causing this site to show up at the top of those results.
Now, if only I understood what any of that meant.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The Problem with Google Apps.
Sure, Google Apps is billed as and aimed as a Microsoft Office killer, however, there's one major problem here:
Like it or not, the internet just can't be trusted - and therefore neither can Google Apps. If you've got deadlines to meet and the only copy of your work is stored on the Google servers, then you're putting your life in the hands of Google, your ISP and every other link in the chain between you and your precious documents.
Google claims more than 100,000 small to medium enterprises have replaced Microsoft Office with Google Apps, along with big names such as GE, Procter & Gamble, Prudential and Loreal. These big companies are paying for the Premier Edition of Google Apps, which promises 99.9 per cent uptime - the equivalent of being down for a total of almost nine hours in a year. Still, Google can't make that promise for your ISP and your office network. If they both offer 99.9 as well then suddenly your overall downtime has blown out to more than a day - more if your ISP can't even offer that level of reliability.
Google Apps is a great idea, but it's crying out for a way to synchronise documents between the online storage space and your desktop. This would mean you've automatically got the latest versions wherever you go, but a backup to call upon if your access is down.
Actually, there's a further problem here. A large number of people, in fact, the real technology adopters, spend a lot of time travelling: and there just ain't web access everywhere yet. So sitting on a plane, for example, you can't do anything, because you can't log in. It really does need a version that sits on your own box and whih youcan, when you can log in, you can synchronise.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Wank Week Pulled
Channel Four has pulled from the schedules it's proposed masturbation week.
Aficionados of the kind of quality programming for which Channel 4 is rightly reknowned will be disappointed to learn it has pulled its planned "wank week" - a series of three late-night programmes dedicated to bashing the bishop and petting the beaver.
The short season was set to feature the London "Masturbate-a-thon" event, originally conceived in San Francisco as a way of undermining the very basis of US society through mass onanistic excess.
The loss of wood on Channel 4's part seems to be "a bid to avoid further controversy in the aftermath of the Celebrity Big Brother racism row", as The Guardian explains.
While this is welcome news of course, it's not quite sure whether the shows would have increased or decreased the number of wankers on the channel.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Intel and the European Commission
Oooh, dear, looks like Intel is about to get charged by the European Commission with anti-competetive business practices:
European Commission investigators have called on the organisation to bring Intel to book over alleged anti-competitive business practices.
There's no official word on the outcome of the EU's long-running probe into claims that Intel abused its market lead to hinder its competitors, but according to the Wall Street Journal today, citing sources said to be close to the probe, investigators will recommend formal charges against the chip giant.
The key word is 'recommend', and EU Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes has asked for more details before making her decision, the WSJ reports. Bbut it's hard to imagine that she reject the advice of her staff.
The EU has examined Intel's business practices in Europe for six years, but the investigation was renewed somewhat in 2005 after AMD formally accused its arch-rival of anti-competitive actions, launching legal action in Japan and the US. The lawsuits followed a ruling by Japan's competition watchdog that Intel had abused its market leadership there.
This could seriously hurt. The Commission has the power to fine a company 10% of global turnover. Ouch, that's big for a company the size of Intel.